Those restrictions remain in place forever, even if the person is not charged with a crime, said Chandler. For one, it wasnt a panel and it wasnt related to the racial division that were seeing right now. In addition to these Christian celebrity partnerships, we started noticing the average members and congregants were adopting these same attitudes. Theres a passage of Scripture concerning the harmfulness of gossip and slander that I would imagine is easily overlooked because of where its found in the canon. When does our loyalty to God override our loyalty to a certain church? Weballowance is left to the discretion of the session of the church the pastor is leaving. Change). He condemned a Spring Valley High school officer for subduing an unruly high school girl who was attempting to assault him. That could have been me, so that provokes a great deal of fear in my heart. Screenshots were only edited to make them more readable, none of the actual content was edited. Andy Savage, the Tennessee megachurch pastor who admitted a "sexual incident" with a high school student 20 years ago, resigned Tuesday and said he would "step away from ministry." The church also immediately places restrictions on anyone accused of being a danger to children. Matt Chandler, the lead pastor at the Village Church, which operates under the Southern Baptist Convention, announced this week that he's resigning his position The Village Church wants to extend the scandalous grace of the gospel to anyone who repents, even those that society deems unworthy of forgiveness, he said. I decided to read this book and I was horrified by what I read. We have failed to do that, he said. I will pray that God leads you to a place where He is glorified and the politics of the world are left to the world. His wife knew. I think the tweets speak for themselves. This material may not be published, broadcast, rewritten or redistributed. We totally understand the sentiment of your words as we feel the same way Weve learned so much from Matts teaching and we love him, his family and the wonderful members of TVC. Thank you so much. Here, once again, the weaknesses of a multi-campus church rear their head. And he once again appealed to the personal stories of his friends such as Eric Mason and Leonce Crump who had allegedly experienced mistreatment from the police, but he assured me he would do his best to be more fair and unbiased in any comments going forward. This was painful, but affirming, for my family to read. She said it was a bad reflection on the church. First, thank you for your service as a Police Officer. Its grievously sad that a so-called Christian pastor has fallen for such propaganda and spews this leftist ideology. It makes sense that a church would say, Lets work on this and try to walk through a reconciliation process, he said. He said that he preferred prepubescent girls ages four and older but that he had seen child pornography involving infants and teenagers as well.. Up until those officers saw that gun, they had been trying to wrestle him into handcuffs just like the other officers had with the white guy. Until Thursday, the two sides were at a standstill. Amadou Diallo it was in 1999. This post is to explain why I decided to remove my family from The Village Church, hereby referred to as TVC. QUESTION. But because the Bible views most divorces as sinful, there is an expectation that members will discuss the circumstances of it with church leaders before they proceed, Leeman said. That misperception would have been there with or without her post or any of the other things they have said about officers. Hinkley disputed any claim that she violated the churchs membership covenant. He said his tweet regarding John Crawford wasnt a shot at the officers involved but was instead aimed at the 911 caller who apparently lied and said Crawford was shooting the gun at people and that it was his racism that got Crawford killed. Ill try to keep this as chronological as possible so that people can understand the process we went through. Once the elders were informed, a review was done and they took issue with the conversations. Its personal to me also because I have dear friends who are cops. How great a forest is set ablaze by such a small fire! The pastor whose heart is no longer in his work, who no longer loves the people and who resents the demands placed upon him by the congregation should resign. Too many of them can easily Its full of statistical fallacies, subjective opinions, and in some cases, outright lies like saying that cops regularly do illegal searches or force people to confess to crimes and not contact lawyers. I would love to hear your thoughts and know what research you conducted on that. I have recently left a church I had served in for 20 years; and leadership issues had much to do with it. We wanted to see the church turning back towards truthfulness, balance and fairness but we had to reluctantly accept that it just didnt appear to be likely to happen. Thats why I lost my mind. My wife and I have moved to Florida. So much of this is, How does it work in a family? You dont have exact rules with your kids. So also the tongue is a small member, yetit boasts of great things. I wanted to assume the best of Matts intentions, so I took him at his word and hoped that there would be no future assumptions about officers without evidence. Thank you for your service as a first responder, sir, and thank you for sharing this very important information regarding Chandler. Matt Chandler, pastor of the Village Church outside of Dallas, defended his church against reports it had mishandled allegations of abuse. Matt Chandler, left, answers questions posed by Nate Akin during the Baptist 21 luncheon held during a break in the annual meeting of the Southern Baptist Convention in Birmingham, Ala., on June 11, 2019. Thabiti Anyabwile, who has been a guest on the podcast and who has preached from TVC pulpits, and whostated he would be voting for Hillary Clinton and argued that racism was a more heinous sin than even abortion, to this day believesFerguson was an act of police brutalityand saysBlack Lives Matter protestors better exemplify the gospel than those who disagree with them. And that isLeviticus 19:16: You shall not go about as a slanderer among your people, and you are not to act against the life of your neighbor; I am Yahweh. Notice the synonymous parallelism in that verse. The pastor who oversaw the restoration process of admitted voyeur and former Cedarville University professor, Dr. Anthony Moore, has resigned. And thank God he did too, because there was no gun. "We cannot be a church where anyone is above the Scriptures and above the high heavenly call into Christ Jesus," Chandler said. The Village Church practices whats known as covenant membership, where church leaders and members vow to stick together, no matter what. I apologize in advance for the length, but I wanted this post to be thorough, truthful, and fair which means itwill belengthy. Between the Ferguson tweets, his blog post, and the tweet about John Crawford, I decided to email him. I attended TVC for about seven years. At first, church leadership declined to inform the congregation of Roots addiction, citing concerns that parents might be sent into a panic that might be unwarranted and that a potential false report could cause a devastating stigma on Roots life. Dawn Neldon is suing Rancho Bernardo Community Presbyterian Church in San Diego and its new pastor Bryan Stamper after she said she reported he sexually harassed her and was subsequently fired, The San Diego Reader reported. Now you would think, given that she was a member of the church, and given that her husband just had 12 brothers in blue shot 5 fatally murdered because their skin color and uniform match mine, that Matts first response upon seeing her would have been one of enormous compassion and empathy. And thenProverbs 12:6personifies wicked words by styling them as premeditating murderers: The words of the wicked lie in wait for blood. Such quotations could be multiplied. The churchs abuse prevention and reporting procedures will be reviewed by experts, according to the letter, and the discipline procedures will be a much more patient process that keeps an eye out for the need for specialized treatment that goes beyond the kind of care that we, or even a qualified biblical counselor, can offer.. The organization released a statement to USA TODAY on Tuesday: "The elders of The Village Church decided that Matts leave of absence would be from teaching and preaching. The Acts 29 Board has decided to follow the lead of TVC and ask Matt to step away from his Acts 29 speaking engagements during this time. With tensions and emotions at their peak, TVC held an unscheduled service the very next evening. 1) For my family and friends to know the many details that went into this decision. In an email to members, Village Church elders said that they reported Root to local law enforcement. All rights reserved. Will I have to explain certain things to my son that my white brothersand sisters in Christ may not ever have to? Its hard. Pastors Matt Chandler and Josh Patterson sat down Hinkley last week to apologize for the steps the Village Church took to discipline her after she annulled her marriage to Jordan Root, a former missionary fired for viewing child porn. They said they would look into it, and the next thing I knew the book was removed from the list of recommended resources, which was good. Do you see how absurd that is? How absurd and wicked would I be if, in the midst of their sorrow, their loss, their confusion, their anger, I started to talk about how you can avoid that? James 2:1 My brethren, do not hold your faith in our glorious Lord Jesus Christ with an attitude of personal favoritism. Verse 9, But if you show partiality, you are committing sin and are convicted by the Law as transgressors.. This time Matt replied and admitted that he shouldnt have tweeted what he did about Ferguson and said the tweets were born out of an incident that his friend, Eric Masons son (a young, black male) experienced while walking home one day in Philadelphia. I understand that Matt is a human prone to mistakes as well, and that hes going to fall short just like all of us will, but man that was just such a devastating and cold response given what had just happened, and especially since he had scolded other people, mostly other white people, for doing the same thing. Thats one of countless stories and I have a Christian friend who worked for NYPD and even attested to a lot of things like quotas and pressure he received from superiors on things that were wrong and as a Christian wouldnt do it and almost gotten in to big trouble over it. We did not act in accordance with the grace we have been shown by Christ. I wont go too deep into the charismatic issue, as that issue has been debated for ages, but I will just leavethis linkas a reason why I believe charismaticism is dangerous even if TVC has a very mild and slightly more benign form of charismaticism. 10From the same mouth come blessing and cursing. His apology was prompted in large part by public criticism of the churchs handling of the case of Karen Hinkley, a missionary who faces church discipline for ending her marriage earlier this year. I know there are always exceptions to a rule and racial issues are still there, but the approach to fix such issues should stand on the gospel itself, not a social gospel civil rights movement disguised as the gospel. In this conversation, Matt wasnt defensive. We get the question from a resign breedlove special Editor's note: This story has been updated to include the Village Church's email about apologizing to Hinkley and releasing her from membership. Its like, Shut up! Enter in. In general, we prefer that missionaries be in good relationship with the sending church, said Salloum. If reconciliation is to be had it will only be had when we realize that we are all sinners in need of a Savior and we unite as brothers and sisters at the foot of the cross, not in forcing multi-culturalism, checking our privilege or counting grievances. And while this topic is very important to us,it wasnt the main reason we left and it isnt what weve spentmost of our time talking to the church staff and other members about, although it was becoming a growing concern. I finished the study, but what she pointed out to me in the book and about Matt Chandler always stayed in the back of my mind. I didnt ask that they side with police, and nor would I want him to if the police were proven to be wrong, I simply asked that they wait until all the facts are in before making assumptions. She said that she appreciates the women getting together to try to understand each other more, but since police officers are often the topic of these conversations, perhaps they could include the wives of officers in their groups to get their perspective on things. We loved TVC. Scripture couldnt be clearer. I guess well never know, but once again alarm bells were ringing that there were some deeply flawed worldviews somewhere in our process for such a book to even be recommended in the first place. Yeah, I walk around in a great deal of fear just wondering. Thank you brother, for your service to Dallas, and to the Kingdom. The pastor's leave is the latest blow for the church and the Southern Baptist Convention denomination the countrys second-largest faith group, of which the Village Church is a member. Earlier this month, SBC announced that it's under federal investigation related to sexual abuse. Thats especially important in cases involving abuse. clarita I know this is not the end of the story for many, but I believe it is the end of the story for me., Chandler had previously apologizedwithout mentioning Hinkley by name--during a sermon at the Village Church in late May, saying that church leader counseling had turned into control., That is behavior unbefitting to an elder of the church of Jesus Christ, he said. The church also said it apologized to Roots and Hinkleys sending mission organization SIM as well. Going about as aslanderer is synonymized with acting against thelifeof your neighbor. That force of that text needs to land on us. Ive seen a lot of this lately through the Gospel Coalition as well. In a first for his evangelical advisory council, New York City megachurch pastor A.R. - Church Replanting Ive Been Asked to Resign. Should I? It could happen to you. I really hope it doesnt. Many of our pastor colleagues will find themselves blindsided by a leadership body (deacons, trustees, church council or even an unofficial group of powerbrokers or a once-hidden, now-public cabal intent on forcing their resignation. Facts have their place. Its a hard week. Ultimately, the reason given for the lack of support was over preferences and no sin that Did we pull a list from a partnering church without any vetting? We will continue to support her financially through August as we committed, and our hope and prayer for her is that God would guide her to another gospel-believing church, where she can find healing and restoration. Then follow up with the church to say what he got out of the experience. My best friend told me one day that she could not do the study anymore. However, he said, its important to not tighten the screws too much and create exact policies. So once again, I emailed the church and expressed my concerns. SALON is registered in the U.S. Patent and Trademark Office as a trademark of, LLC. I appreciate your thoroughness. We believe the lie that were somehow ruining someones life if we expose them. If there is anyone else who has been dealt with harshly in the past or is being dealt with harshlywe want to own that and work to restore that relationship.. We come down fast and hard when allegations are made, he said. Also like you, we understand that all of us view things from a different angle and we must tolerate to some degree those who disagree for the greater good of the church. And Jerry Falwell Jr. was forced to resign as the president and chancellor of Liberty University, one of the largest evangelical universities in the world, after allegations We mentioned Laurens Facebook post about Alton Sterling and how the two stories she was trying to conflate couldnt be conflated since Sterling had a gun. The other topic, and the one that really fueled our decision to leave, is the way that TVC hashandled the topics of race and police. Proverbs 26:2021says, For lack of wood the fire goes out, and where there is no whisperer, contention quiets down. For that and for their clear presentation of the gospel, I will forever be grateful. In a letter to members this week, the elders of Grace Baptist Church in Cedarville, Ohio, announced that Pastor Craig Miller had resigned as lead pastor effective on June 19. In keeping with the de-militarization approach, they were told that they could not wear them because the department didnt want to look too much like the military for what was supposed to be a peaceful protest. And as with any sin issue, the solution is found in the gospel alone, not in raising ones ethnic IQ, not in artificially forcing ethnic minorities into positions of leadership so that you can meet an unspoken quota forced upon you by others, not in promoting the idea of white privilege, which is actually just a more subtle form of white supremacy as its saying I AM superior to you, but its because I have more privileges than you.. In Matts eyes, officers are still apparently guilty until found not guilty, but then theyre still actually guilty. After the sermon we went to dinner with another member of the church, who had previously been a police officer, and he agreed that what Matt said bothered him as well. Feels like a lot of shameless virtue signaling on their part. Eight years of propaganda was instilled in the minds of the gullible who couldnt (or, more militantly likely refused) see the truth of the matter. Bless your hearts in your call to serve and protect in a culture that does not often appreciate the work of our civil servants, Jake (and Jen) would you consider doing a subsequent post on the false teachers (if you feel so prompted by the Spirit) FYI the link to the GTY strange fire did not work, but Im familiar with JMCs cessationist position, and in some aspects he is right, and in others I believe he is wrong I am a continuationist, as I believe there is a spectrum between cessationist and sensationalist either end of the spectrum is out of alignment with Gods word and the principles in His word there is a healthy, biblical balance and there is a reason Gods warns us to test everything hold on to the good and get rid of the bad and there is the gift of discerning of spirits, and there is a reason God has given us that gift because we (1st world church) desperately need discernment often, the distortions are very subtle they are in line with scripture, but out of alignment hope that makes sense, and hope you find a Church family/Ekklesia to gather with, that feels like home for you. In late December, the Village Church learned from SIM of Roots admission of a child porn addiction and Hinkleys concerns that he may have molested children, according to an email to Hinkley from Richard Brindley, a minister at the churchs Dallas Northway campus, where the couple had previously attended. Look it up. Leaving because a group (even an influential group) is I also have issues with the continuationism with some Acts 29 churches We loved our Acts 29 church in Houston, but the one we joined in Charlotte went heavy into the Bill Johnson / Bethel Church nonsense and we had to leave. Due to the enormous backlash Matt received,he wrote a blog postto try to clarify what 140 characters on Twitter could not. I have long said to many dead ears in my community that you guys are just trying to go home to your families and that while we get to run from danger, that it is yours to run into it. She pointed out subtle things in the book that disturbed her, and I began to look at it differently also. It broke her heart. 9With it we bless our Lord and Father, and with it we curse peoplewho are made in the likeness of God. Entire livelihoods can be destroyed by the circulation of just one unsubstantiated claim, if its juicy enough (just ask Naboth;1 Kings 21:814). It was as if to say, Look at all of these men, cops and black men alike, who were murdered in cold blood because of their race. At that point, we only knew for sure that race played a factor in one of those shootings, not all three. (The annulment was finalized on April 16.). She explained again that this is critical to us. In many evangelical churches, church membership looks like Costco or a country clubwhere a consumer pays for a series of benefits for an agreed upon price and you come and go as you please, Leeman said. ugh This TVC is also feminist They broke the service up into 3 sections. I hope you share more about the false teachers he affiliates with. Our desire is always to be loving and caring. After getting off of work that night I arrived at the service. The conversation ended up being mostly about continuationism vs. cessationism. Chandler is saying that the rule of law must be obeyed in regards to Officer Wilson, but not Michael Brown. God-bless you and your family. Despite our concerns, he assured us that the church loves and cares about us and other first responders and didnt want to downplay the dangers that officers face every day. Would they contact members of my home group who can speak to my character? She wanted to speak to him directly because no one had even acknowledged if they had received our messages from the day before. The irony of this statement is incredible. Update (June 10): Karen Hinkley, a former missionary at the center of a controversial church discipline case at the Village Church, says she forgives church leaders there. I met Matt in his office and brought with me a list of the false teachers I believed the church had been partnering with or promoting, including specific examples of their teachings or beliefs that were unbiblical. She also mentioned that I was a Dallas officer and that this isnt just a side topic for us this is our life. She asked that they include positive police resources as they recommend books, articles, documentaries online. They said they would relay our concerns to Matt and perhaps make some suggestions to him. Thank you for taking the time to document so thoroughly the concerns you have with TVC and your experiences. Get the best from CT editors, delivered straight to your inbox! For the sake of staying on one topic Ill save the topic of false teachers until the end. It grieves me to see the direction they appear to be headed, thats why we stayed for so long and endured many of those grievances while other friends and first responders were moving on to new churches. He said he has often wanted to use the Mark Twain quote of there are lies, damned lies and statistics from the pulpit but hes afraid hed get complaints for saying the word damned.. I decided to explain all of this in a blog for two reasons. Hinkley, who no longer considers herself a member of the Village Church, had asked its elders to leave her alone. First and foremost I believe the way Matt Chandler and the others mentioned made public and vocal assumptions about officers guilt in these cases when there was no evidence to substantiate their assumptions amounts to slander. But she was understandably upset that day. Obviously Jen and I were both very upset and let down with how our church had handled things so far. The prayer service that we thought to be the height of insensitivity had now been replaced by this panel. Leaving because a group (even an influential group) is asking for your resignation is not engaging the process and not honoring the people who have committed to follow you as pastor. Please put yourselves in my shoes here. I pray you seek understanding and would not ignore harsh realities that unfortunately plague our country. She had received hugs and messages from strangers all day long, but her own pastor basically implied that officers brought this on themselves? Pastor chooses to lay aside ordination/ask for release from ordained office (G-2.0507); 3. I decided to explain all of this in a blog for two reasons. One of the truths that needs to be faced is that BLM is funded and instigated by the likes of George Soros to cause division and undermine the U.S. Your words have shed a lot of light on many issues for us. Its very clear Matt believed that Officer Wilson did what he did only because Michael Brown was black, and if it had been someone white like Matts son Reid it would have been a completely different story. chandler pastor intentional mound Instead, moving forward, Jordan will remain in a season of intentional pastoral care, where his role will be to remain faithful to actions in keeping with repentance (Acts 26:20), pursuing holiness and purity, and continuing to flee from sin.. The tongue is set among our members,staining the whole body, setting on fire the entire course of life,[a]and set on fire by hell. I will not get into the subject of the false teachers as I believe TVC has partnered with and promoted in this post, but am happy to discuss those issues privately. Do with it pastor has fallen for such propaganda and spews this leftist ideology to! By Christ pray you seek understanding and would not ignore harsh realities that unfortunately plague our country that church... 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