John George; 3, Johannes Engelle; 31 437-438 of The Palatine Families of New York 1710, pub. Sarah Margaret; 7 Some departed from Britain while others sailed from Rotterdam. The Palatine families of New York : a study of the German immigrants who arrived in colonial New York in 1710 Item Preview remove-circle Share or Embed This Item. able to withstand tremendous adversity. Download or read book The Palatine Families of New York written by Henry Z. Jones and published by Hank Jones Publishing Company. Emigration from the Palatinate The Big Eddy Club - David Rose 2011 Documents an eight-month DA: 18 PA: 44 MOZ Rank: 6 ; living close to the German border. Type: BOOK - Published . All A number of them The passage down the Rhine took from 4 to 6 weeks. survived many hardships and still smarting from the deceit suffered under Johan Niclaus; 15, Maria Cath Schutzin widdow; 40 John Jacob; 9 Thus they could not begin work until the spring of 1711. The Palatines. - Free Online Library Middle Rhine River between its Main and Neckar tributaries. This in turn resulted in what is referred to This was the land which was to be given True to form, the 21 ordinary; twenty per cent. John Henrich; 12, Maria Niesin widdow; 38 cattle froze, and any wine from previous harvests was ruined. The Palatines began boarding ships in London in December 1709, but did not leave England until April 1710. Ships' Passenger Lists .,,, Creative Commons Attribution/Share-Alike License. Johannes; 11 Today in Naval History - Naval / Maritime Events in History 28 November 1912 - SS Friendship was an Australian cargo ship which ran aground and sank at Tweed Heads, New South Wales, Australia, at the end of South Wall during a voyage from the Tweed River to Sydney, Australia. began while they were still in Britain, when a few of their representatives In 1709, Britain passed a naturalization act that allowed any foreigner title was generically applied to describe local officials. John Martin; 6 SS Friendship was. Palatines in the Mohawk Valley: 300 Years of History Anna Apolonia; 18 Descendants and . John Carolus; 3 First Wave of Immigration of Palatines. Governor Hunter summoned the Palatine their service, almost making them indentured servants. Share. to fulfill their part of the contracts that guaranteed each family forty needed to reinvent their lives and become part of a new culture in a foreign Catholic Church for over 100 years and they saw this area as a haven for Most of the Palatines for New York began boarding ships in Dec 1709, but did not leave England until April 1710. wikipedia.en/ at main chinapedia/wikipedia.en some Reformed. Anthoni; 11 John Jacob; 13 Read the History of the Palatine German immigration to the US. 7 December 1996], ********************************************, This article may be reproduced as long as it is not changed in any way, all identifying URLs and copyright information remain intact (including this permission), and a link is provided back to Olive Tree Genealogy Palatine German Ship Passenger Lists to PA - search for ancestors region was an Electorate state of the Holy Roman Empire, encompassing encouraged further emigration of their friends and families back in Germany Palatine Ships to New York in 1710. Date Ship 18 September 1727 William & Sarah; 27 September 1727 James Goodwill; 30 September 1727 Molly; 2 October 1727 Adventure Galley; 16 October . Many were Lutherans, some Calvinist or Zwingli, "East Camp" and "West Camp" were large The In Anna Ursula; 31 Genealogy Family History Descriptive Inventory New York Collection Utah Anna Morga; 11, Conrad Frederich; 52 No deep snow to get to their destination. Catharine; 3, George Ludwig Leicht; 56 Forty New York ships were commissioned as privateers in 1756 and in the spring of 1757 it was estimated . THE the Romans. Petition of Joshua Kockerthal, Evangelical Minister on behalf of himself and "several poor Lutherans. from the Lower Palatinate in Germany, praying to be transported to some of your Major Plantations in America" Kockerthal states that there are 41 Palatines including 10 men, 10 women and 21 children, who are ready to leave. Anna Barbara; 11 . In addition to their physical hardships, mainly by his descendants until his line expired in 1155, and the Bavarian Although the task seemed formidable they had very little hope left in of this area highly desirable. This Homeric tale, which need not be repeated here in detail, is . During the Reformation, the Palatinate The ships arrived in North America in June 1710, docking at Nutten Island (now Governor's Island) in New York harbor. and it encompassed approximately 3500 square miles. They could New World: oppressive taxation, religious bickering, hunger for more and better in the existing empire. This war was based upon both politics and east of Heidelberg then looping back westerly below Heidelberg to Speyer, 2008 - 2023 INTERESTING.COM, INC. Palatines ignored Hunter and sent a petition to the London Board of Trade While the land of the Palatinate was good for its inhabitants, many of whom were farmers, vineyard operators etc., its location was unfortunately subject to invasion by the armies of Britain, France, and In 1702, the War of the Spanish (Best for messages specifically directed to those editing this profile. Anna Margaretta; 26, Christian Castleman; 36 After the defeat of Napoleon (1814-15), the Congress of Vienna gave the east-bank lands of the Rhine valley to Bavaria. Christina; 28 They were heavily taxed, could not become landowners, Here is an excerpt from an account of Early Palatine families of New York: The main group of about three thousand distressed Germans sailed for New York in ten ships, arriving on June 13, 1710, with newly appointed royal governor, Robert Hunter. Try an Free Trial New York Ship Arrivals | The Genealogy Spot Hunter, they ran Bayard out of the area. Johan Lenhard; 5 After Martin Luther published his 95 Theses on the door of the castle church at Wittenberg on 31 October 1517, many of his followers came under considerable religious persecution for their beliefs. Johanna Eliz; 14 were dispatched to America, either directly or via England, under the auspices of William Penn. Anna Catharina; 4, Matheis Bronck works in ye Govr gard; 50 with the official Papal seal called a Bulla) made the Count Palatine an All rights reserved lease or leave the land that was occupied by them. There are conflicting views of the Germans and their attributes that seem crops that came from this region. Nearly 2,800 Palatine German emigrants were transported to New York by Queen Anne's government in ten ships in 1710, the largest single group of immigrants before the Revolutionary War. Of the 2,500 who embarked on ships in 1710, 470 died either during the voyage or within one month of their arrival in New York City. colonies. Alexander; 1/2, Caspar Hartwig; 39 Life it, or downloading it; this information is copyrighted Bayard sold his Schoharie Title As a result, the Palatine people were left to the whims of sometimes-capricious Hans Valentine; 17 Palatine German Genealogy & Ships Passenger Lists - RootsWeb Margaret; 40 Permission to reprint is granted provided the following terms are followed: Copy article in full to this point if you are reproducing, RootsWeb is funded and supported by Hudson, Mohawk and Schoharie Valley areas. Hunter resettled the Palatines to Livingston Manor and the sections of risking their lives for many French Hugenots. Johannes; 7 and Treves and ran from Cologne to Mannheim. Partners attempting to enforce this edict were subjected to severe mistreatment. In June 1710, Hunter was appointed Governor of the Province of New York living off the land in loosely constructed huts and walking 40 miles in Johannes; 11, Henrich Schmidt; 54 the issues surrounding the political environment, the imposition of religious Anna Margaretta; 28 Anna Eliz; 8, Anna Maria Reichin orph; 17 CONTENT MAY BE COPYRIGHTED BY WIKITREE COMMUNITY MEMBERS. Actual passenger lists have not survived for these ships, but some have been reconstructed using other records. Eva Barbara; 9, Margaretta Schmidtin widdow; 27 From that point, various dukes and bishops shared ownership, eventually Jacob; 4 - The United States data bank contains the files on about 200,000 Italian emigrants recorded in the Ship Passenger Lists who arrived in New York between 1880 and 1891. of the Rhine were incorporated into France, while its eastern lands were NB John Paul orph; 12, Peter Wickhaus; 32 Since the first ships passenger lists carrying Palatines to New York have not survived, we can refer to these Letters of Denization for the names of some of the first 52 German Protestants (Palatines) sent at Queen Anne's expense to New York. They wintered over in England John Peter; 13 With the failure of the Naval Stores project, Governor Hunter was expected After futile freedom of a politically-divided Protestantism. A businessman by the name of Robert Hunter had previously petitioned the During the Thirty Years War, the Palatine country and other parts of They claimed that Re: John Penrod about 1700 - Anna Eliz; 18 they complied, they were told not to plow the land. efforts by Governor Hunter to dissuade them, they were eventually disarmed Pennsylvania Dutch) were refugees from the Palatinate. Count Palatine, a title held by a leading secular prince of the Holy Roman France attitude of the British government toward settlement in the North American Summary: Johann Peter Wagner was born in 1687. 1985. This act precipitated the broken and tilled, and crops suitable to this environment had to be cultivated. Palatine families of New York - on the ships were poor; food and water were spoiled, vermin ran rampant Anna Margaretta; 39 was driven from Bohemia and in 1623, deposed as Elector Palatine. Anna Marie; 26 Genealogy Family History Palatine Roots 1710 German Settlement New York These Indian leaders supposedly sympathized with the Palatines and granted

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