Grand Lodge Of Texas - Nonprofit Explorer - ProPublica This is the 185th grand communication of the Grand Lodge of Texas, which has met in Waco for about 100 years and in the current building since 1947. Taxable trusts and private foundations that are required to file a form 990PF are also included. Presiding Officer Votes in Case of a Tie .. 28, Section 1. Grand Lodge Officers TO: The Grand Officers, Worshipful Masters, Worthy Matrons, Heads of Affiliate Houses working under a charter or dispensation from the M.W. Masonic lodge - Wikipedia 127 meets in Round Rock Lodge, located at 111 Masonic Way, Round Rock, TX 78664. Annual Contributions.. 29, or Pay Dues. W:. The top male MVS Scholarship winner was Jacob Lockman, who was sponsored by the Mount Adams (White Salmon), Washington, Lodge. Fort Worth June 17, 2023More details to follow as soon as they become available. Sunset Grand Lodge and Sunset Loyal Grand Chapter of Texas, A.R. This represented an increase of five dollars in the annual insurance assessment, which Miller indicated was needed because of several expensive liability judgments against the Order. The Grand Bodies will no longer accept any type of cash payments of dues, taxes, or fees in cash. Members 23, Section 2. Reservations are required, please send email to reserve to WM Christian Moore at [emailprotected] Seating will begin at 6:30 PM,dinner at 7:00 PM. We are seeing our hospitals over-taxed. The cutoff date for the reserved block is February 15, 2023, so please book as early as possible at the following link: Please note that parking is included in this rate for one vehicle per room in the attached Gene Stallings Garage. Saturdays session will be a half day, also, Underwood said. All Propositions Must Be Referred to Committee. Anson Jones LectureBlack-tie dinner on Saturday evening, June 18, at 6:00 PM in the Isabelle Room of Texas. The meeting will be held in the main auditorium of the Grand Lodge of Texas Memorial Temple. He noted that the Soccer Shoot had conducted its second virtual national championship and congratulated the five boys and five girls who were national champions in their respective age-groups. [Newspaper notice] Masonic, The Regularly Constituted Lodges of Ancient York Masons, Chartered, Dispenced, or associated within the State of Alabama, are respectfully requested to meet, by their representatives, at the Town of Cahawba, as early as practicable after the commencement of the ensuing session of the Legislature, to confer on the expediency, form a constitution for, and organize a . He noted that the pandemic did not end the problem of rampant drug abuse and in fact exacerbated it. Justin Duty and other Masons prepare packets this week for an annual three-day event in the auditorium of the Grand Lodge of Texas on Columbus Avenue. This was primarily because the COVID-19 pandemic had limited the volunteer hours that usually make up a significant portion of the annual total. The winner of Division One was Eliza Corday, who was sponsored by the Winston-Salem, North Carolina, Lodge. The Worthy Grand Patron and I have been honored The most important item on the first days agenda was the election of a new Grand Exalted Ruler to lead the Order during the 20212022 Grand Lodge year. Wednesdays session was delayed by Hurricane Elsa, which passed through the Gulf of Mexico just west of Tampa on Tuesday night. Freemasons in Texas - The Grand Lodge of Texas Af&am is a fraternal organization that governs the operation of 781 masonic lodges in Texas. Fraternal Committee Chairman Robert Hinkle next gave his report, during which he congratulated the winners of the Americanism Essay Contest. MARCH 2023 STATED MEETING & ELECTION/INSTALLATION OF OFFICERS, June 2022 Stated Meeting and Anson Jones Lecture, MARCH 2022 ANNUAL MEETING and Installation Lubbock, DECEMBER 2021 STATED MEETING & Anson Jones Lecture SAN MARCOS, September 2021 Stated Meeting San Angelo, September 2020 Stated Meeting Fort Worth. Worshipful Master Billy Hamilton promises great fellowship, but due to COVID-19 restrictions meals may not be permitted in the building. BE IT THEREFORE KNOWN, Pursuant the Laws of the M.W. With many Masons older in age, officials say this was the best option. "When you go outside of your home, you are at risk of coming into contact with someone who already has the virus. No Lodge Chartered in Other States or Countries. . 800 pieces of evidence. The Stated Meeting will be held at 10am on Saturday, March 20thin Round Rock Lodge. Its membership is restricted to men. Following Millss presentation, Ritualistic Committee Chairman Kenneth Rice closed out the session by recognizing the winner of the first-ever national Eleven OClock Toast Contest and the winners of the national Ritualistic Contest, including outstanding officers from the preliminary rounds as well as the top four winners of the national Ritualistic Contest finals. With the approval of the assembled delegates, Grand Exalted Ruler Ryan appointed Thomas M. Zisa, of the Hackensack, New Jersey, Lodge, to a five-year term as a Justice of the Grand Forum. We endeavor to extend the fraternity's lessons into our daily lives in order to become positive influences in our homes, communities, nation and throughout our journey in the world. Lubbock March 19, 2022Annual meeting and installation for 2022 officers. He encouraged the attending exalted rulers to be active in engaging with the Orders many national programs, including those related to youth activities, veterans service, and drug awareness. Gary Pittman, Greenville, SC; Chaplain Thomas Rovito*, Lake Hopatcong, NJ; Candidate Derryck Menard, Kenton, OH; Coach D. Jack Buroker, Kenton, OH; and Coach Sue Buroker, Kenton, OH. (338), Grand Tiler, Derek Gastineau(Not Pictured), (60,631,994) Grand Sword Bearer Elected Grand Lodge Officers . Its goals are to advance the moral and social interests of its membership; to foster good citizenship, honest industry, and upright living; to cultivate the exercise of charity in its best and broadest sense; to assist the widows and orphans of its deceased members; to stimulate friendship, harmony, and brotherly love; and generally to promote, in its own way, the happiness of mankind. The 2021 Revitalization Program - The Most Worshipful Prince Hall Grand The opinions and pages of this site do not necessarily reflect the opinions, views, or policies of the The Most Worshipful Prince Hall Grand Lodge, Free and Accepted Masons, Prince Hall Affiliated, Texas and its jurisdictions, its Officers, Constituent Lodges, and Members. Dear Brethren of Texas Lodge no.46 F&AM of California, A resolution was proposed at the November Stated meeting on 11-12-2022 to increase Texas Lodge no.46 Dues and Degree Fees. McClain presented his organizations Partner of the Year award to the BPO Elks and thanked Elks across the country for providing his organization with leather to make its kits. Walter Griffin Cypress Lodge #1423 12103 Old Huffmeister Rd, Cypress, TX 77429 Stated Meeting: Every 2nd & 4th Tuesday. Lead. About Us | United States | Lee Lodge #435 Sign up to get ProPublicas biggest stories delivered straight to your inbox. Attendees also came together to attend to the business of electing new leadership to guide the Order through the challenges of the 20212022 Grand Lodge year. Once the flags were placed in the positions of honor that they would hold throughout the session, PGER McPherson introduced PGER Michael T. Luhr, who spoke about the Elks Pearl Harbor Campaign. 202113 PASSED: To clarify the duties and responsibilities of the Grand Lodge Auditing and Accounting Committee and the duties and responsibilities of the local lodge Auditing and Accounting Committee as a result of the use of the new Grand Lodge online Financial Reporting System (FRS). The revitalization program is composed of three (3) parts:Part 1 Opening Remarks & St. John the Evangelist ObservancePart 2 The Lodge of SorrowPart 3 The Public Local Lodge Installation Ceremony. More details to follow as soon as they become available. Copyright 2021 Pro Publica Inc. Title . 23, Section 2. 1225, and the meeting will be held at 519 Alametos, San Antonio, TX 78212 on Saturday, September 17 at 10:00 am. . Many events have been canceled this year because of COVID-19 and we considered canceling this year, Masonic Grand Master Paul Underwood said. Other successful resolutions adjusted statutory requirements related to accounting practices and membership to take into account the roles played in these areas by the Chicago Lodge Membership System, the Grand Lodge Insurance Program, and the new Grand Lodge online Financial Reporting System. There was, however, other business to attend to first. Please contact the hotel directly for reservations. While the results of the voting were being tabulated, Activities Committee Chairman Wayne Cotterly announced the results of the Community Project Contest. Sunset Grand Lodge of Texas provides for the holding of stated sessions and other gatherings as the need may require and for notifications of such events to be issued by the Grand Secretary to each officer and the various Subordinate Lodges. About eleven thousand members had come back to the Order already since the beginning of the 20212022 year, and nearly thirteen thousand candidates were awaiting initiation. On Tuesday, McLennan County hit record breaking COVID-19 case numbers with 467 new diagnoses. Lodges Shall Make Annual Returns. Rooms are $99.00. All departments under the Sunset Grand Lodge Jurisdiction will be required to also utilize a cashless system. The Grand Lodge of Texas will welcome 1,000 Masons to Waco - KXXV Using Community Investments Program grants, local lodges across the country were able to support food pantries, emergency responders, hospitals, schools, and many other community institutions during the pandemic. Here's what to know as Alex Murdaughs murder trial winds down. The top female MVS Scholarship winner was Gellila Asmamaw, who was sponsored by the Lancaster, Pennsylvania, Lodge. 92, located at 4324 Cobbs Dr, Waco, TX 76710. Next up was the report of the Government Relations Committee, which was given by Chairman Vernon Saunders. There were more than 400 new cases today. While Masonic officials promise they will be taking appropriate precautions against the coronavirus, the group is set to arrive Thursday, two days after McLennan County set a daily record with 467 COVID-19 cases and 181 people hospitalized with the disease. Turning to the question of membership, he remarked that there had been an understandable drop in membership of about forty thousand people in 20202021. Reservationis for Friday, September 16 at 7:00 pm, and they have agreed to accommodate us with split checks. Staff writer at the Waco Tribune-Herald covering courts and criminal justice. . Email notifications are only sent once a day, and only if there are new matching items. ER Sean Brennan, Reno, NV; Est. THEREFORE BE IT KNOWN: The order of events will be as follows: This Proclamation must be read in its entirety in every Lodge/Chapter meeting until the date of January 11, 2021. Lee Lodge # 435, A.F.&A.M., is a fraternal organization that admits, makes, and passes Freemasons according to the Constitution,Laws, and Edicts of the Grand Lodge of Texas, Ancient Free & Accepted Masons. Steward Bottom Row: .. 27. ProPublica posts new tax forms as they are released by the IRS. The meeting will be at the San Marcos Masonic Center on 3024 TX-123, San Marcos, Texas 78666. See the list , The data powering this website is available programmatically, via an API. Typically, Grand Lodge Session attendees who visit the exhibit hall have an opportunity to visit various booths, where they can speak with members of Grand Lodge committees and staff of national programs such as the Elks National Foundation or the Elks National Drug Awareness Program about the important work that they do in service to Elkdom. Newly Installed Officers of Krum Lodge #1453 The meeting agenda will include installation of officers, and we have several papers ready for presentation. Dallas TBAMore details to follow as soon as they become available. She hopes one day to go to medical school to become a neurosurgeon and then hopes to work with Doctors Without Borders. I, Anthony Mondrey 33/90, Grand Master, am hereby calling the Most Worshipful Sunset Grand Lodge of Texas into its Winter Grand Session to be held on January 16, 2021. Over the two years since the 2019 Grand Lodge Session, Klatt reported, the fund provided $120,000 worth of assistance in response to five emergencies in four states. Electronic payment options are available, please email the Secretary for details. By accepting our use of cookies, your data will be aggregated with all other user data. 28, Section 3. Worshipful Masters, Worth Matrons, and Department Heads must attend the mandatory workshop. E. Oscar Alleyne is of Walden, New York is the Junior Grand Warden of the Grand Lodge of Free and Accepted Masons in the State of New York. Time of Election and Installation . 25, Section 5. For the sisterhood email to The parade featured flags representing emergency responders as well as the flags of all fifty states, the District of Columbia, and overseas possessions. For the brotherhood email to An update on the Most Valuable Student Scholarship program was given by ENF Associate Director Debbie Kahler Doles. PDF Grand Assembly of Texas Introductions The full text of the resolutions and full Grand Lodge Legislative Session voting results are available to Elks members at Cryan says he hopes those visiting will help local businesses. The funds raised by the Order also allowed Pacific Historic Parks to expand the memorials virtual coverage to include simulations of the USS Oklahoma and the USS Utah, two battleships that were sunk during the Pearl Harbor attacks. WACO, TX The 185th Grand Communications of the Grand Lodge of Texas will take place over a three-day event in Waco beginning Thursday. Sign up for our newsletter to keep reading. The speaker this year is Worshipful Brother David Clarke, CVO, who is the District Grand Superintendent of the District Grand Chapter of Barbados and the Eastern Caribbean under the Supreme Grand Royal Arch Chapter of Scotland. (a) If a Member is a Grand Lodge Officer, Past Grand Master, Past Deputy Grand Master, Past Grand Warden, or a Past Worshipful Master, and he is also a Master, Warden or Proxy of a Lodge duly attending an Annual Communication of the Grand Lodge of Texas, and he is voting pursuant to the provisions of Article VII, Section 1 (c), he may cast up .
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