Hathor was the ancient Egyptian deity who gave birth to sky-god Horus and sun-god Ra, and a symbolic mother to their representatives on the Earth, the Pharaohs. Vekke Sind. And theres no questioning your motives in their mind; they are as pure, clear, and mesmerizing as moonlight. Theres a great potential for progress if you pay attention to your teachers. This powerful energy can be felt by all, regardless of our. When she appears in a reading, its a sign to still the mind, listen to your inner voice, and look for answers within. These 5 Zodiac Signs Need to Watch Out When Mercury Goes Direct in Capricorn, 10 Vital Affirmations for Aquarius Season, A Tarot Spread to Uncover When You Will Find Love, Everything You Need to Know About Reversed Tarot Cards, Your Insightful March 2023 Numerology Forecast, Your Signs Weekly Tarotscope for March 6 12, 2023. This leads me to wonder if you leave him in hopes that by leaving, you're going to make him change in ways that you want him to change. You always have answers for people who are seeking, and have an affinity for helping . The High Priestess defines a situation where patience, stability, and reflection are of the utmost importance. If it is your partners behavior driving you crazy, then you need to break it off. She suggests that there is no right or wrong or wrong way to go about this matter. A reversed High Priestess in your love reading means that you are perhaps thinking and judging when you should be feeling. This card is also connected to the Moon, water cycles, and tides, and as such, it is also associated with psychic abilities and potent, perceptive dreams. Let go of rigidity and make way for the excitement of the Empress. To enter the mystical world, one has to be adequately prepared, for theres no greater benefit in life than knowledge and wisdom. Vekke Sind, Wheel Of Fortune Tarot Card Meaning, A Complete Guide! Not involving unless you have all the information. However, one might correlate this headpiece with the Crown of Hathor, a solar disk between cow horns. She is wearing a light blue robe that matches the color of the sea and sky in the background.Her headdress might resemble the three lunar phases and, along with the crescent moon at her feet, reveals an intuitive and feminine connection between her and the Moon card. They are people who think they know, while they know nothing, and in their path towards oblivion, they would desecrate and diminish even the noblest heart. Shes the divine feminine guarding the threshold between two worlds; light and darkness, spirit and flesh. She could be just a puppet for someone who is more dominant; - as someone who causes drama. How can you trust your feelings when your mind is blocking the way? - someone willing to sacrifice something or part of themselves for something better/greater. Duality, being open to all possibilities. It isn't a reciprocal relationship; - Page of Swords is also a clever & inquisitive card, very fond of information & a desire to know e-v-e-r-y-thing. Upright Position: If you pull the card in an upright position, it means Yes. A reversed High Priestess can also mean that you have been silencing your inner voice. It can also be a sign of giving up and losing touch with your spiritual side. A problem or a riddle may have been troubling your mind. Guardian of mysteries and teacher of the sacred, the High Priestess resides between the conscious and unconscious, between the material and the divine. This means that when you see this card, it is likely that you are someone who is able to see things from both a spiritual and a physical perspective. Even in an external conflict, where you begin to feel hurt, jealous, or alone, know that these states are only temporary. . They know you are upfront, honest, and loyal. The Swords Suit has a reputation for being a negative suit. In any case, this will be a time when nothing much happens and tension builds up. Read this next: A Tarot Spread to Uncover When You Will Find Love. They will conceal and twist the truth so it fits their agenda. A reversed High priestess figure will place barriers around their true inner self so that even their conscious self cannot access it. The High Priestess implies waiting patiently and trusting in your intuition. - Ace of wands is about enthusiasm for that person, you would inspire that person, they would have confidence in you and you would have confidence in them. The High Priestess appears when you are not meant to know the outcome or the action you should take. When the High Priestess card manifests as emotions, it suggests a subtle, yet powerful feeling that cannot be put into exact words and is only felt intuitively on a subconscious level. What Does the High Priestess Mean in Love & Relationships? Friends and family and sweet talkers may flood you with advice, opinions, dos, and donts; but could they ever walk a mile in your shoes? They talk about themself and their issues incessantly but no one else is given that space. Calm and assured, the High Priestess figure knows how to distance their personal matters or ego from a conflict. Simply let what has already formed blossom without trying to control things. A relationship is never 50/50. Furthermore, this card may suggest that a making plan or studying thoroughly is needed before acting. What is Kim Kardashians Zodiac Sign? The High Priestess card would represent: Staying passive, watching from a distance. Apart from the occult and sacred, the High Priestess card possibly refers to a place where knowledge is kept and is accessible to whoever wishes to learn and study, namely a library, an archive, or a university. Only by accepting what we do not know can we truly learn in time. You have waited long enough, and it is time for absolution. The High Priestess describes a person who wants peace and quiet in their home. It could also lead to a miscommunication on how much income to expect from such an endeavor. asked the cards about how someone i really like feels about me. The High Priestess signifies an arrival to a new kind of awareness in the future. To believe in a better future, first, you have to believe in yourself. You're someone that they can easily share their secrets with. The person of interest cannot trust you, either because they project their insecurities on you and criticize your moral integrity, or because you have not given them anything to build trust upon. You wish not to see the future events or tast events; you just need a specific answer on the question for a present situation that is bothering you. Youll eventually find out for yourself and will probably get what you want, but it may be different than what you expect. This card is a sign to listen to your intuition and follow your gut feeling, a silent invitation to be still and know. What Does the High Priestess Mean in a Career Reading? Librarians, writers, poets, and journalists may identify with the High Priestess and find affirmation and inspiration when she appears in a reading. Maybe you allow the opinions of other people, who have not your best interest in mind, to influence you to the point that you doubt yourself all the time. It means a new beginning with a lot of communication. Dont judge your feelings; instead, follow them and look for a partner who will do the same without a doubt. If you notice the situation shifting, you should consider if it is worth it getting into conflicts, or if you need to ignore your colleagues petty fights and keep your eyes on the prize, which may be the experience, the promotion, or the income. Their unfathomable melancholy and sadness are only surpassed by the bright moonlight of their disarming smile. The person in question wants to feel safe and form a soul connection. You can achieve a lot regarding your inner world through meditation and stillness. It indicates that you have found peace and security in your relationship. The Priestess card always represents honest, true feelings. Although the positive traits of the High Priestess may appear even when reversed and vice versa, it is essential to examine each card from every possible angle. You need to keep your faith. I have them in my office and they create a zen feel for me while Im working. In a reading, she often indicates an actual person in the seekers life, or the seeker if female. Well-balanced, you are exactly where youre supposed to be. Furthermore, they may believe you can teach them the secrets of life, help them understand a different way to perceive the world, or at least offer support and warmth in times of trouble. The High Priestess.When the King and Queen appear in combination in a relationship reading, this can reflect that both you and your partner desire having it all in life; the marriage, the kids, the pets, and a happy . In this comprehensive guide, we shall explore the symbolism of this mysterious and divine woman. If the High Priestess appears reversed in the future position, you may go through a time of mild depression and loneliness. The High Priestess tarot card represents what is mysterious and intriguing as well as announcing the arrival of psychic revelation. In a relationship or an affair, there are two possible interpretations. Or it can be the querents doubts and anxieties that silence their inner voice, making them unable to participate, a motionless statue, an observer stuck between two worlds. Imagine scented candles, old volumes of herbalism and Wicca sorcery, and a shrine dedicated to the Moon goddess Hecate. Her love is immortal and fills the heart with joy. Each day has something new to teach you if look closely enough. Its going to take some time until the reserved and careful Priestess gives birth to the abundance of the flourishing Empress. In their attempt to justify their destructive patterns, they will find problems everywhere and often say hurtful things to establish their sense of superiority and false righteousness. Sometimes, they do not even need to talk that much because you can see right through them and see that they do not feel like talking. If they hold the same qualities as you, they will be a good match for you . The resulting isolation separates one from the environment, and ultimately from the true self. We cannot stress this enough. It causes you anxiety. The High Priestess tarot card suggests that someone is very much in touch with their intuition and feelings and is able to read people and situations extremely well. I certainly see her as powerful but whereas the Empress' power in external it is something you can see and is manifest, the HP would be internal. Generally speaking, both the Empress and High Priestess refers to a state of wellbeing in women's health, such as fertility, pregnancy, motherhood, menstrual cycles and sexual health. When drawing tarot cards, usually they are put in a vertical setting, spread on a timeline of the past, present, and future. Furthermore, she implies the writing of a book or journal, a map of the soul, and the reading of texts, sacred or otherwise. It is a time to rest, heal, and recollect ourselves. There can only be one way to interpret the High Priestess when she appears in the advice position: there are hidden aspects to the situation that you have to discover before deciding what to do. Having great potential. The nurturing and sensitive nature of the High Priestess resembles the gentle soul of the Cancer sign. When the High Priestess card appears in relation to a conflict, it advises you to hold on to your personal power. The conscious mind can interfere with intuition when the thoughts and urges find no release. How to Make the High Priestess Tarot Card Work for You? About laying down rules. Patiently waiting. If this card is meant as an advice, she asks you to look deeper into a matter you are trying to understand. When someone thinks of you as the High Priestess, they consider you to be wise, intuitive, and mysterious. The High Priestess Tarot Card as How Someone (He/She) Sees you.The interpretation is the same for the Marseille Tarot and the Rider Waite Tarot. In a reverse position, The High Priestess would mean precisely the opposite of its core qualities, bringing in the drawing: There are also spreads where the tarot cards pulled are placed on vertical as well as horizontal positions. While she may resemble the Virgin Mary, the High Priestess doesnt deny pleasure. Shes admired for her talents, her intuition, and her steadfast, albeit introvert character. He wants to feel elevated and confident; I'd said the person see you as someone who has a strong personality. But more importantly, this time he may just be tired of the "go away/come here" game and doesn't want to play anymore. The High Priestess is the feminine to the Magicians masculine. How to shuffle your Tarot cards. The High Priestess indicates that you will be successful, and whatever you choose will be the right one meant for you. They may have a secret plan or agenda, or they simply cannot decide for themselves. Its also a sign for students that theyre on the right track. If a solution is what you need, let the solution come to your mind. Possibly even a soulmate; - Fours are about stability and Cups are about emotion, so it's about emotional stability. Have patience and listen to your intuition. If The High Priestess would sit in a horizontal position, it advises you to look deeper into yourself and others. Concerning possible career choices, the High Priestess usually signifies a well-educated person or a healer. You will find all the guidance you need when you trust in yourself and your inner voice. It is cruelty and ignorance disguised as a moral facade. - as someone who is on the same page as them with a good bond and connection. Concerning friends and family, the High Priestess brings very positive energy, caring, and affection. They are not easily triggered, facing their opposition only with knowledge and patience. The challenge here is to know whether this affair is a purely intellectual one, or if theres a way to advance on a meaningful relationship, one that needs patience and love above all. This spread indicates that you are receiving lots of offers, that may be job opportunities or business partners coming to you with deals. The advice of the High Priestess is precise and subtle. Doing this will help remove the obstacle you are confronted with. The main meanings associated with the High Priestess are: As feelings, the High Priestess indicates a powerful bond between two individuals. Crystals such as Angelite and moonstone can also help to increase this energy. What springs to mind? In a less poetic manner, that difficult decision is weighing you down. In reverse, the High Priestess might refer to the ruins of a deserted temple, a secret or forgotten place of worship. Try to stay calm. This is an invitation to set your worries aside for a while and enjoy the silence. Do research, if necessary, and stay strong and focused. The High Priestess is a card of non-action. Do not judge and dont run toward an iron wall trying to prove that you are right; there is no right or wrong here, only shades of truth and personal experience. In reverse, the High Priestess suggests that you will go through a time of confusion and passivity in the near future and not much will seem to be going on. Like one who has given up on all petty expectations and has faith in the will of the universe for better or for worse, the High Priestess urges those who seek her advice to look no further. You dont know enough about what youre getting into, or you are indecisive and cannot see clearly. I quess you can be a player if those two things are relationships. You want to try new things, but you first analyze if it's better for you. More or less agree with your assessment. If you have started dating a new person, The High Priestess may indicate that your date may see you being sensual and mysterious. Trust in yourself and trust in the High Priestess! Loneliness and frustration, giving up on yourself and blindly trusting others, or simply being silent in a time when your voice needs to be heard; the negative aspects of the High Priestess define a state of mind where uncertainty, doubt, and passivity have taken the place of wisdom and enlightenment. Have a little faith, both in yourself and other people, but never forget that only you can know how to live your life. Should a reversed High Priestess describe a persons intentions, it means that what they desire could be well concealed. Be that as it may, the reserved character of the High Priestess makes her a friend to admire. Thats why it is essential to have a look at how The High Priestess communicates with the other tarot cards. It can indicate that you have a good mentor who is helping you to push forward or is teaching you the tricks of the trade. In both cases, meditation helps immensely. If you are wondering what to make of your emotions, or what somebody else is feeling and the High Priestess shows up, its a matter of emotional stability and security. The reversed High Priestess indicates isolation, coldness, jealousy, and passivity. You know how to handle issues and how to communicate effectively and get your point across, so do not fall into the trap of debates unless you need to protect yourself, your reputation, or your work.

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